13 Best Cable Machine Abs Exercises for Strong Core

The cable machine is one of the best workout tools and user-friendly machines you could use in the gym. Most people use it for upper body exercise, like chest, shoulder and back, but not many people realize that it is quite an effective machine for abs as well.

The cable machine is one of the most versatile and effective workout tools that you can use to develop stronger abs and obliques. The cable machine allows for consistent tension and fluid motions, which lets you more efficiently strengthen your muscle group and increase time under tension.

Getting a defined six-pack abs isn’t difficult, but you need to workout consistently and follow the proper healthy diet, you’ll surely see the results in a shorter amount of time.  

There are a number of weighted and bodyweight core exercises that you can do to build a stronger core, but doing the same exercises again and again, may bore you. So, include cable machine ab exercise in your core workout routine. Because a cable machine gives you variety to your training.

Keep reading to find out 13 best cable machine abs and oblique exercises that will take your core workout to the next level.

13 Best Cable Machine Abs Exercises

01. Kneeling Cable Crunches

Kneeling cable crunch is one of the best and effective exercises, it places constant pressure on your core due to the overhead tension created by the cable.

How to perform:

  • Connect a double-grip rope at a higher point on the machine.
  • Sit down on your knees in front of the cable machine and keep hip-width apart, maintain half meter distance between you and the cable machine.
  • Stand on your knees to hold the rope firmly with your both hands while keeping your back straight and core tight.
  • Now, pull the rope downwards into a crunch until your elbows are near or touching your knees.
  • Pause the movement for a second and then, slowly return to starting position in a controlled manner. That’s one rep.

02. Cable Seated Crunch

Cable seated crunch is an alternative to the kneeling crunch. This is effective exercise for targeting your core muscles.

How to perform:

  • Sit on the flat bench, back facing the cable machine and attach a rope in the cable machine and set it at a higher point.
  • Grasp cable rope attachment.
  • Keep your back straight while holding the rope at the backside of your head.
  • Perform a crunch with your core while holding the rope at the backside of your head.
  • Repeat for the desired numbers of reps in a controlled manner.

03. Lying Cable Crunch

Lying cable crunch is the best exercise that works on your core, glutes and legs. This exercise also helps you burn more calories and increase lower body and core strength.

How to perform:

  • First, set the rope at the bottom of the cable machine along the desired load.
  • Now, lie on the floor on your back and bend your knees at 90- degree, and keep your feet flat on the floor.
  • Hold the rope with both hands just above your forehead. That’s your starting position.
  • Keeping your core tight, raise your upper body off the floor until your abs are fully engaged.
  • Hold the position for a second, and then return back to the starting position. That’s one rep.
  • Do as many reps or crunch as you can do.

04. Standing Cable Crunch

The standing cable crunches, as the name suggests it is the standing version exercise. This exercise is also one of the effective for targeting your core muscles.

How to perform:

  • First, connect a rope attachment in the higher section of the cable machine and use desired weight according to your strength.
  • Then, stand straight in the shoulder-width stance, close to the cable machine.
  • Hold the rope with your both hands and place the rope beside your ears or behind your head.
  • Bend your torso down and your butt takes the support of the cable machine. That’s your starting position.
  • Now, keeping your core engaged, pull the rope downwards into a crunch.
  • Pause the movement for seconds, and then return to starting position in a slow and controlled manner.

05. Reverse Cable Crunch

The Reverse cable crunch is a fantastic exercise for targeting your lower abs.

How to perform:

  • First, connect the D handle to the bottom of the cable machine.
  • Sit with your feet towards the cable machine and put your both feet in the D handle.
  • Lie down on your back on the floor and place your hands behind your head or place them to your side.
  • Raise your legs – 90-degree bend at the hips and 90-degree bend at the knees.
  • Keep your core muscles tight, and bring your knees inwards towards your torso until your abs muscles are engaged.
  • Hold for a second and return to the starting position slowly. That’s one rep.

06. Cable Tuck Crunch

The cable tuck crunch is an advanced exercise which targets both your upper and lower abdominal muscles at the same time.

How to perform:

  • First, connect a rope attachment to the bottom of one side of the cable machine and your feet attachment to the bottom of the other side of the cable machine.
  • Sit down in between the cable machine and tie your feet in the feet attachment.
  • Lie on your back and hold one side of the rope attachment with your hands.
  • Hold the rope attachment behind your head with your hands by your ears.
  • Now, simultaneously lift your head and shoulder off the ground, while pulling your knees towards your chest.
  • Hold the position for a second and make sure your core is fully engaged. And then slowly reverse the move return to the starting position in a slowly and controlled manner.
  •  That’s one rep. 

07. Cable Woodchops

The cable woodchop is a great twisting exercise to target your obliques.

How to perform:

  • Connect a single handle in the cable machine and set it at a high point.
  • Stand straight side on to the cable machine, and hold the handle with your both hands and take a step out about an arms-length.
  • Keeping your arms straight, pull the cable downwards across the body until it crosses your thigh.
  • Squeeze your core muscles.
  • Hold the movement for a second, and then slowly return to the starting position (still with straight arms).
  • Do the same steps with the other side.  

08. Kneeling Oblique Cable Twists

How to perform:

  • First, connect the rope attachment at around face height.
  • Hold the rope attachment with your both hands and kneel about half a meter in front of the cable machine.
  • Place the rope behind your head and your hands by your ears.
  • Keep your core tight, pull the rope downwards to your left side into a crunch until your elbows are near to your left knee.
  • Hold the position for seconds, and then return to the starting position in a slow and controlled manner.
  • Follow the same steps to your right side.

09. Kneeling One-Arm Cable Crunch

How to perform:

  • First, attach the rope in the cable machine and set it in the high section of the machine.
  • Get on your knees, and hold the cable with your left hand and put your right hand on your hips.
  • Keeping your core muscles tight, pull the rope down across your body towards your side.
  • Ensure while pulling the cable, your core muscles are contracted.
  • Hold the position for a second, and then slowly return to the starting position.
  • Repeat the same step with your right and right side.

10. Lying Cable Leg Raise

Lying cable leg raises is effective exercise to lose weight from the legs. It can strengthen the calf muscles, hamstrings and glutes. It can effectively exercise for your lower abs.

How to perform:

  • First, connect the D handles at the bottom section of the cable machine.
  • Lie on your back on the flat bench with your feet facing the machine.
  • Now, put your feet in the D handles, and keep your arms straight at your side.
  • Keep your abdominal muscles tight, and raise your legs up as high as you can.
  • Hold the movement for a second, and then, slowly lower it down. That’s one rep.

11. Cable Russian Twists

The cable Russian twist is an advanced core exercise and great for training your waist and will test your balance too. To perform this exercise, you need one gym ball, where you can lay upon.

Ho to perform:

  • First, place the exercise ball on the floor one big step away from the cable machine.
  • Connect a single handle to the middle of the cable machine.
  • Lie on your back on the exercise ball, perpendicular to the machine with your feet firmly on the floor.
  • Grab the handle between both of your hands, keep your arms straight in front of your chest. That’s the starting position. 
  • Now, keep your core tight and your hips up, and pull the cable across to the other side of your side keeping your arms straight throughout.
  • Hold for a second, and then return to the starting position.

12. Plank Cable Row

How to perform:

  • First, connect a single handle to the bottom of the cable machine.
  • Get into a high plank position, and keep arm’s distance between you and the cable machine.
  • Hold the handle with your right hand and it is fully extended.
  • Keep your core tight, pull the cable so that your elbow moves towards your hip.
  • Hold the position for a second, and then return to the starting position.
  • Repeat the same steps with your left arm.

13. Cable High-Pulley Side Bends

How to perform:

  • First, connect the single handle to the high section of the cable machine.
  • Stand straight side on to the cable machine and hold the handle with an underhand grip. Your feet shoulder-width apart and your other hand on your hip for stability.
  • Keep your core tight, pull the cable downwards until your elbow touches your side.
  • Hold the movement for a second so your oblique muscle is fully contracted.
  • Slowly allow your arms to return back to the starting position.
  • Repeat the same steps to the other side. 


As you can see, the cable machine is a great tool for exercising your abdominal muscles. If you’re looking to develop good condition, shape and strength of your core, then try to include these exercises in your core workout routine.

Take these exercises and set yourself up for a long healthy future, but not be an expert yourself. Take the help of your personal trainer for a good workout routine.

Hopefully, you like this article, if you have any questions and suggestions kindly put them in the comment box below.  

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