Top 11 Best Dumbbell Triceps Exercises for Stronger Arms

Dumbbell triceps exercises are the best workout to build up your triceps and you can challenge your muscles by doing dumbbell exercises. Building up your triceps is not easy because triceps are small muscle groups and it will take a lot of time to grow bigger.

Your triceps are a three headed muscle that runs along the back of your upper arms from your elbows to shoulder and this muscle has three heads 1) Long head, 2) Medial head and 3) Lateral head.

If you want to look your arms bigger and bulkier then you should start working on triceps. These muscles help to bigger muscles; which are shoulder and chest, and there are a lot of triceps exercises to train your triceps, but finding the right muscle contraction and giving more tension to your triceps is not easy.

There are different exercises for different parts of your triceps, but it is very important to do a variety of different dumbbell triceps exercises into your workout routine in order to build good rounder triceps.

There are a number of triceps workouts that you can follow to build your triceps, but you are already here and try these 11 best dumbbell triceps exercises. Bring two dumbbells and start doing it in home or in the gym and select the weight that you can do the exercise properly.

Why We Should Do Triceps Exercises with Dumbbells

There are many benefits that motivate you to do triceps exercises with dumbbells. Below we listed some main benefits of them.

  • Dumbbell exercises are adaptable and efficient, you can perform them anywhere you prefer and anytime. These exercises don’t require much space to do.
  • Dumbbell exercises allow a greater range of motion that helps you target your triceps muscle more effectively and deeply.
  • Dumbbells may stabilize muscles that allow you to perform the different movements and be more efficient for overall muscle strength and power gains.
  • Dumbbells can easily activate the long-headed muscle of the triceps.  

Understanding the Basic Anatomy of the Triceps

Understanding the Basic Anatomy of the Triceps

First, you need to understand your triceps muscles, it will help you hit the right muscles with the right exercises, which will help you to achieve your desired result faster.

Many people concentrate more on the bicep’s muscles for bigger arms, but the triceps is one of the largest muscles in our upper arm, located at the back of the upper arm. The triceps is two-thirds of the upper arm and the biceps is only one-third of the total upper arm. So, it is very important to train equally.

Our triceps are split into three sections (heads).

  • Triceps long head
  •  Triceps lateral head
  • Triceps Medial head

So, it is very important to target all the three triceps muscles for building stronger and attractive triceps. It is best to start lifting the weight that works for the long head first then lateral and medial.

Here are some benefits of having stronger and well-conditioned triceps:

  • More attractive your arms.
  • Enhance your upper body performance, specifically in your heavier lifts.
  • Increase your shoulder stability, which can decrease risk of injuries.
  • Fuller and more shapely looking arms

7 Best Dumbbell Triceps Exercises and Workouts

Here are the best dumbbell triceps exercises; you just need a pair of dumbbells and start doing it at home or in the gym. Not sure what you need to do to train your triceps but try these dumbbell triceps workouts, you will get the results.  

01. Dumbbell Seated Triceps Extension

This exercise is best for giving more tension to your overall triceps with a proper weighted dumbbell.

Dumbbell seated triceps extension is one of the best triceps workouts with dumbbells, which target the long head of the triceps. This exercise gives more tension on specific muscles and it can also help you get bigger and stronger triceps.

Dumbbell triceps extensions can be done standing too, but the seated version offers the support of a bench which may allow you to lift more weight.

How to perform:

  • Sit down on a chair or bench.
  • Grab a one proper weighted dumbbell and hold it in your both hands behind your head or neck with your elbows bent at 90-degree angle.
  • Lift the dumbbell overhead until your arms are fully extended (arms are close to your head).
  • Hold the movement for a second and then slowly lower the dumbbell back to the starting position. That’s one rep.
  • Do 3 sets of 10 to 12 reps, with 60 seconds rest between the sets.
  • Keep your elbows tucked in and don’t relax them much.
  • Avoid too much weighted dumbbells as this exercise requires a full range of motion and heavy weights can cause unwanted injury.

02. Dumbbell Triceps Kickback (Bench Supported)

The single arm dumbbell triceps kickback is one of the best exercises for developing triceps muscles. It helps you strengthen your arms by targeting specifically your triceps muscles and helps you tone your arms.

Dumbbell triceps kickback is a bench-supported exercise, you have that extra stability provided. This exercise targets your long, head, lateral head and medial head.

How to perform:

  • Take a dumbbell and hold it in one hand.
  • Keep your other hand and knee on a bench.
  • Lean forward while keeping your back straight.
  • Now, bend your elbow and raise the dumbbell back in an arc motion until your arms are fully extended.
  • Focus on your tricep muscle while pushing the dumbbell.
  • Hold the position for a second, and then return to the starting position. That’s one rep.
  • Do 4 sets of 10 to 14 reps (mean 2 sets each arm), and take 60-seconds rest in-between the sets.  

03. Dumbbell Lying Triceps Extension

The dumbbell lying triceps extension provides flexibility to your arms and gives a greater pump to your triceps. This exercise works on your triceps and shoulder muscles if you perform them correctly.

The dumbbell lying triceps extension increases the strength and range of motion of your triceps and shoulders, and improves the flexibility of your arms.

How to perform:

  • Lie down on a flat bench with your back, hold a desirable weighted dumbbell with your hands. Place your feet flat on the floor.
  • Extend your arms fully and fix them behind your head.
  • Lift the dumbbell above your forehead until your arms are fully extended.
  • Hold for a second and slowly lower the weight to the start. That’s one rep.
  • Keep your elbows locked and don’t loosen them much.
  • Do 3 sets of 10 to 12 reps, and take 60-seconds of rest between the sets.

04. Dumbbell Overhead Two-Hand Triceps Extension

The dumbbell overhead triceps extension is a great exercise to work your triceps, and it is also a great way to work on stability at the shoulder and core.

How to perform:

  • Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Hold a dumbbell with both hands behind your head or neck with elbows bent.
  • Raise the dumbbell overhead until your arms are completely extended.
  • Pause the movement for a second and then slowly lower the weight back to the starting position. That’s one rep.
  • Do 3 sets of 10 to 14 reps with 60-seconds of rest between the sets.

05. Dumbbell Overhead one-hand Triceps Extension

This exercise is similar to two-hand triceps extension, but here you perform with one hand. It is also great for training both arms alternatively. This exercise also hits the long head and gives more tension to your triceps.

This exercise requires a full range of motion and provides greater strength to your triceps muscles and helps them grow bigger.

How to perform:

  • Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart and hold a dumbbell in one hand behind your head or neck with elbows bent, making 45–50-degree angle. Lams facing your body.
  • Lift the dumbbell with one hand overhead until our arms are fully extended.
  • Hold for movement and then slowly lower the dumbbell back to the starting position. That’s one rep.
  • Keep your elbows steady and don’t relax them much.
  • Do 4 sets of 10 to 12 reps (each arm 2 sets), and take 60-second rest between the sets.
  • Avoid too much heavy weighted dumbbells as this exercise requires a full range of motion and heavy weighted dumbbells can cause unwanted injury.

06. Dumbbell Two-Hand Floor Press

Dumbbell floor press is very helpful to target your triceps muscles, and gives the most pump and more tension to your triceps compared to other dumbbell triceps workout. The floor press activates the triceps muscle and it also works on the pectoralis muscles.

Dumbbell floor press can be performed with single arms or double arms.

How to perform:

  • Hold a dumbbell in each hand with a neutral grip, and start laying on your back on the floor, then bend your knees at around 30-degrees. Keep your feet flat on the floor.
  • Your elbows out about 45-degrees from sides, and bring them as close as to your chest and palms facing forward. That’s the starting position.
  • Now, slowly press the dumbbells upward until your arms are straight, over your upper chest.
  • Pause the movement for a second and then slowly lower the weight back to the starting position. That’s one rep.
  • Do 3 to 4 sets of 8 to 12 reps with 60-90 seconds of rest in-between the sets.

07. Dumbbell Triceps Dips

The dumbbell triceps dips are a great exercise to target the lateral head and medial head of your triceps immediately and this exercise will increase the strength of your arms. You just need your body weight to do this exercise.

How to perform:

  • Take a pair of dumbbells and sit in front of the dumbbells on the floor with your legs extended.
  • Grip the dumbbells with your finger and straighten your arms.
  • Bend the elbows and press into your palms to lift your body weight up.
  • Hold the movement for a second and then lower yourself until your elbows should bend to 45-degree.
  • Do 3 sets of 10 to 12 reps. 

08. Neutral Grip Dumbbell Triceps Bench Press

The neutral grip dumbbell triceps bench press is a great and effective upper body exercise that strengthens the triceps, chest and shoulder. If you’re facing shoulder discomfort, then neutral grip bench press variation is a great exercise to keep going, as this exercise doesn’t place more stress on your shoulders.

How to perform:

  • Lie on your back on the flat bench, and place your feet flat on the floor.
  • Grab a pair of dumbbells with your hands at chest level, and your elbows out to sides of your chest.
  • Raise the dumbbells up towards the ceiling until your arms are fully extended.
  • Pause the movement for a second and then slowly return back to the starting position.
  • This exercise allows more tension on your triceps muscles.
  • Do 3 sets of 10 to 14 reps, and 60-seconds rest between the sets.

09. Close Grip Dumbbell Push-Ups

The close grip dumbbell push ups exercise target muscle groups like triceps muscles, anterior deltoids in your shoulder and pectoral chest muscles.

This exercise helps you strengthen your arms and joints, and it also develops muscle growth and improves endurance.

How to perform:

  • Lie on the floor and keep your hands on a standing dumbbell.
  • Hold your bodyweight with the help of arms and toes.
  • Keep your standing dumbbell under your chest and your arms are straight. That’s the starting position.
  • Now, lower yourself by allowing the elbows to flex while keeping your body straight.
  • Lower your body until your chest is close to the dumbbell.
  • Hold the movement for a second and then press yourself back up to the starting position by extending your elbows. That’s one rep.
  • Do 3 sets of 10 to 12 reps, and 60-90 seconds rest between the sets.

10. Underhand Kickback

The underhand kickback is the best exercise for strength and tone, not for bulk. It’s about definition and firming up the triceps muscles.

How to perform:

  • Stand straight with your feet shoulder width apart and slightly bend your knees holding a dumbbell in each hand with an overhand grip.
  • Lean forward while keeping your back straight and you look towards the floor.
  • Bend your elbows and push the dumbbell back until your arms are fully extended.
  • Try to focus on triceps muscles while pushing the dumbbells back.
  • Pause the movement for a second and then slowly return back to the start. That’s one rep.
  • Do 3 sets of 8 to 12 reps, and 60-seconds rest between the sets.

FAQs on Dumbbell Triceps Exercises

  • What Gym Equipment is Best for Triceps?

    The push-down station is the most effective way to work your triceps.

  • Do Triceps Respond Better to High Reps?

    Actually, triceps respond to lower reps, front portion of triceps can respond well to lower reps and delts respond better to higher reps.

  • Are Triceps Stronger Than Biceps?

    Generally, the triceps are a larger muscle group than biceps. That means they have more potential to grow.

  • How Do I Make My Triceps Stronger?  

    Here are 4 movements can build your triceps stronger:
    01.  Pressing exercises with lighter weight and higher reps.
    02.  Pressing exercises with heavier weight and lower reps.
    03.  Extension exercises with the elbows flared
    04.  Extension exercise with the elbows tocked.


If you have two dumbbells with you, you can do these 7 best dumbbell triceps exercises at home or even in the gym. Choose yourself 4-5 exercises and start doing it, and also read the instructions carefully, if you’re doing it at the gym , get the instructions from the gym trainer.

Hopefully, you like this article, you have any queries and any suggestions leave in a comment box below

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