How Modeling & Fashion Industry Will Change After Covid-19

The global pandemic has definitely impacted all industries around the world especially the fashion and modeling industry has been hit really hard.

We’ve been in this lockdown for a couple of months and we will discuss how the modeling and fashion industry is gonna change after the lockdown, it’s never gonna be the same and here’s 11 reasons why? 

I think for the rest of the year and probably into next year we’re gonna see a lot more measures around social distancing.

11 Thing will Change After the Covid-19 in Modeling & Fashion Industry

01. More Online Casting and Less In-Person Casting

The first thing that will change in the fashion industry is there gonna be more online castings and less in-person castings.

That’s definitely gonna be a change for models, speaking of things moving online there’s also going to be more online submissions, you can potentially see a lot of agencies completely shut-down and closed their in-person open calls and they’re gonna move just to online submissions.

If you’re not yet represented by an agency; most likely in order to get represented you have to exclusively submit online and those open calls will likely no longer take place.

02. Fashion Shows Moving to Online Platform

Fashion Shows Moving to Online Platform

Another major change in the fashion industry is that could potentially happen for the rest of this year and even into next year, our fashion shows; a lot of fashion shows are going to move into a digital platform.

For example:  Paris is getting ready to do a digital Fashion Week, so now you’re gonna see a lot more virtual fashion shows.

Think about what that means for models; how many models do you actually need for a virtual Fashion Show v/s having a live fashion show, where you have tons of models and you have quick constant changes that need to occur.

I think most of these things are going to move into a digital platform so that’s one major change that’s gonna happen in the modeling industry.

03. Make –Up Artist are More Expensive

Make –Up Artist are More Expensive

Another change that’s gonna happen in the fashion industry is that make-up and hair artists could potentially get more expensive, because think about it makeup artists often use the same brushes and the same tools on all the models during the show.

Now you’re going to see more efforts around standardization and personal hygiene.

This could potentially mean one brush for a model or the model would have to bring their own brow for the makeup artist to apply to their faces, because of this impact paying for a makeup artist could be potentially more expensive than it used to be.

04. Talent Scouts Moved to Digital

The next major change and this is already happening is the way talent scouts; a lot of talent scouts for models are happening online. Especially IMG, they’ve moved most of their talent scouts to suit exclusive online strategies.

So, for instance talent scouts are now scouting more on Instagram and you’re doing less in-person scouting, less traveling and I think that’s gonna be a trend for the rest of this year and spilling into next year.

If you’re not yet represented or if you’re looking to get scouted, this is a great time to beef up your Instagram.

05. More Jobs are Going to Get Influencer Models

More Jobs are Going to Get Influencer Models

Another change that could potentially happen is that more jobs are going to go to content creators or influencer models.

The reason is because these types of models can create their own content oftentimes; a brand might just ship out the product or ship out the clothing item to the influencer model to photograph and post.

06. Agency Will Keep Fewer Models

Another thing that’s gonna happen is that there’s gonna be a lot fewer models. Some agencies have already begun dropping their models, because they just simply aren’t working.

They’re gonna be fewer models who are actually signed and this is gonna increase the competition.

07. Fashion Events are Disappear

Fashion Events are Disappear

Another thing that is gonna happen is that a lot of Fashion Week’s and fashion shows that take place annually. They’re just gonna completely disappear, the major fashion events in major Fashion Week’s like New York Fashion Week, Paris Fashion Week etc.

They’re most likely gonna sustain but the smaller fashion events are the ones that don’t have as much publicity; they might just run out of funding and they might not be able to continue.

08. Celebrity Models

Another thing that most likely will happen and as I said a lot of fashion shows are now moving into a digital platform.  You’re seeing virtual fashion shows drive through fashion shows and things like that.

The models that they use for fashion shows are going to change dramatically; you’re gonna see more celebrities and more influencers being used for a virtual or digital fashion show.

The reason is because these celebrities influence a great deal or draw traffic to a particular website, so that’s what’s gonna happen in this fashion industry is that you’re gonna see more of that.

09. Drive-Through Fashion Shows

It’s a completely new experience; this is already happening. There are a couple of fashion events that have committed to doing a drive through Fashion Show.

How that’s going to work, it’s something completely new, so this is one way that the modeling industry is definitely going to change.

10. Agencies are Closing Down

Agencies are Closing Down

Another thing that’s gonna happen is that a lot of smaller agencies might not be able to sustain your business, depending on how well they manage your finances.

You’re gonna see a lot of these smaller agencies closed down or potentially merge with bigger agencies. Which could be good or bad for the models, this is something that’s probably gonna happen starting later this year and spilling into next year.

11. Model Apartments

The way model apartments work is potentially going to change. Typically in New York you can have a two-bedroom apartment with eight models in that apartment.

Now this is not great for social distancing, this is not great for personal hygiene, so you’re gonna see more of an effort into limiting the numbers of models allowed in an apartment.


There are a lot more things that will change after coved-19 in the modeling and fashion industry, hopefully you got information about current modeling and fashion industry.

Hopefully, you like this article, If you have any question or any suggestion kindly put in the comment box below.

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