Sea Moss Health Benefits, Nutrition – How to Make Sea Moss Gel

Sea moss also known as red seaweed or Irish moss that people can add to food or they take as a nutritional supplement. It’s primarily harvested for use in health supplements and also used as a thickener in commercial foods.

However, sea moss can also be eaten on its own. Proponents have claimed that sea moss can boost immunity, strengthen joints and improve your skin health.

Sea moss is naturally rich in vitamins and minerals and sea moss is a widely used dietary supplement. Sea moss may have some potential health benefits by consuming it regularly.

So, read the article till the end because in this article we will discuss the uses of sea moss, nutritional information of sea moss and how to prepare it. 

What is Sea Moss?

Sea moss scientifically known as Chondrus crispus and sea moss is a type of seaweed or algae. Generally, it grows in waters along the rocky Atlantic coasts (between North America and Europe). It has some similarities to other seaweeds like dulse, kombu or wakame.

Sea moss grows naturally and commonly it can grow in red color, but also it can grow in different colors such as green, yellow, brown, black and purple. It depends on factors like water temperatures and local climate.

Types of Sea Moss

 There are a number species of seaweed that are commonly referred to as sea moss, but today most popular and commonly used are Chondrus Crispus and Eucheuma Cottonii.

Sea Moss Nutrients Information

Sea moss contains a number of minerals and vitamins and they are naturally low in fat, calories and sugar, and contain small amounts of plant protein.

Here are some of the nutrient’s information of sea moss includes:

  • Potassium
  • Calcium
  • Vitamin B2
  • Vitamin B12
  • Vitamins A, K and E
  • Zinc
  • Magnesium
  • Chromium
  • Selenium

Nutrients per Serving – 4-tablespoon (20-grams) of sea moss provides the following:

  • Calories: 10
  • Total fat: 0 grams
  • Protein: 0.5 grams
  • Total sugar: 0 grams
  • Iron: 10% of the DV (1.8 mg)
  • Calcium: 1% of the DV (14.5 mg)
  • Total carbs: 3 grams
  • Fiber: 0.5grams
  • Zinc: 4 % of the DV (0.5 mg)
  • Copper: 3% of the DV (0.05 mg)
  • Phosphorus: 2% of the DV (31.5 mg)
  • Magnesium: 7% of the DV (29 mg)

Uses of Sea Moss

Sea moss is a natural source of a thickener called carrageenan, and this can be used in adding thickening for foods like soups, stews, ice cream cottage, cheese and other foods that need thickening.

Nowadays, sea moss is mainly used as a source of minerals and vitamins that may benefit overall health. You can commonly find it in supplement form, some supplement companies sell it in row form, like gel or powder.

Some supplements may contain sea moss on its own, and some supplements with a combination of other ingredients such as turmeric, burdock root or bladderwrack. That many benefits overall health especially thyroid, digestive and joint health, and helps to improve your immunity.

However, sea moss has a high micronutrients content, so most of the supplement companies use it to make consumer health supplements and gels.

Benefits of Sea Moss

Sea moss may have some health benefits as types of sea algae. However, the research into sea moss has been limited and scientists still need to conduct more research. So here are some of the prevalent claims and main potential benefits of regularly using sea moss.

  • May help support weight loss: seaweeds may help to support weight loss; these are rich in fiber that can help you feel full and stop overeating. Studies show a compound in many seaweeds called fucoxanthin that helps to break down and metabolize fat.
  • Boosts thyroid health: thyroid needs iodine to function correctly and healthy. So, sea moss rich in iodine and a diet rich in iodine may support thyroid health. Without enough iodine the thyroid may not function properly and can cause metabolic issues. So, a micronutrient is required for healthy thyroid function.
  • May improve your gut health: sea moss has live bacteria, fiber and prebiotic effects which support a healthy gut microbiome.
  • May strengthen the immune system: one study found that seaweed supplement may improve immune response and modulation. The gut is related to the immune system, so a diet rich in fiber foods and prebiotic like sea moss may improve your healthy immune system.
  • Promote healthy skin and hair: sea moss consumed regularly may support healthy skin and hair.
  • Support heart health: some studies have shown that seaweed reduces bad cholesterol and acts as a blood thinner, and reduces the risk of heart disease.
  • Support fertility: some people use sea moss as a traditional fertility treatment, but there is no scientific evidence that sea moss supports fertility in women or men.
  • May support blood sugar management: one study showed that the compound called fucoxanthin in seaweed can reduce high blood sugar.  

Note: most of the research is based on seaweed, not specifically on sea moss. Also, these researches were conducted on animals not on humans.  

Downsides or Side Effects of Sea Moss

There are some possible side effects or downsides of eating sea moss.

If you eat too much sea moss that actually gets too much of iodine, which can cause some side effects like vomiting, coma and nausea. The sea moss can put consumers at risk of too much consumption of iodine that could be problematic.

Seaweed is known to store and absorb heavy metals and sea moss may come with risk of heavy metal consumption.

Some people eat large quantities of sea moss that may put people at risk of thyroid problems.

However, it is best to consume sea moss but you need to consume the recommended amount of sea moss.

How to Prepare Sea Moss

Most of the sea moss sold in three forms: capsule, gel, or dried. You can prepare a gel at home, this will be one of the most popular ways to consume it. So, there are a number of recipes and ways of preparation.

First, you need to clean sea moss and remove any sea debris and dirt. Make sure your hands are clean and use filtered and spring water to clean your sea moss.

Most people recommend cleaning your sea moss twice to clean thoroughly. Then simply place sea moss in a large bowl and cover it with water, and massage the sea moss.

After cleaning, place the sea moss in a large bowl and cover it with filtered or spring water, and allow it to soak for at least 12 to 24 hours. Make sure to leave it at room temperature and you don’t need to keep in the refrigerator.

Once it is done soaking, it has absorbed the water. Now, it’s ready to use or consume.

Many supplement companies provide sea moss that has already been prepared as a gel or capsule.  So, you can consume it directly or add it to the food and drink.

How to Make Sea Moss Gel

Preparing sea moss gel is super easy! Simply soak the raw sea moss in water overnight. Raise the sea moss off and add the sea moss to a high-powered blender with clean water. You can use 1 cup water or add more depending on the requirement that you would like your gel.

Bend the sea moss until it is smooth (1-3 minutes). Then transfer it into a container with an airtight lid. Finally store it in the refrigerator overnight to gel.

QNA’S on Sea Moss

How Much Sea Moss Gel Take Daily?

It is very important to know because consuming too much can lead to health problems. The recommended amount of sea moss gel is 2 tablespoons for adults and 2 tablespoons for children, and can be consumed daily.

How to Store Sea Moss and How Long Does Sea Moss Gel Lost

Sea moss gel can be stored in an airtight container, it can last in the freezer for up to 3 months and in the fridge for up to 1 month. Dry sea moss can be stored for up to one year in an airtight container in a dark and cool place.

Can You Eat Sea Moss by Itself?

Technically, you can eat sea moss gel on its own. Some people taste and enjoy taking sea moss with nothing else, and Sea moss has a slightly seaweed taste. If you mixed it into juices or something else that cannot give you the taste.


Sea moss is a spiny sea vegetable similar to sea algae and seaweed. Many companies use it as a natural thickening agent in commercial foods and use in consumer health supplements.

You can also consume easily by making gel at home or adding it to foods and beverages.

Sea moss is rich in vitamins and minerals that may benefit overall health. However, by consuming large amounts of sea moss, you may consume high levels of heavy metals and iodine. That may lead to health problems.

So, before you consume it, talk to a doctor, they may recommend the proper amount.

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