What is PCOD(Polycystic Ovarian Disease) and its Full Form, its Causes, Symptoms

Polycystic Ovarian Disease (PCOD) is the condition that affects the woman’s hormones level. When women are with PCOD will produce higher quantity of the male hormones than normal male hormones. 

These imbalance hormones will cause menstrual periods to skip and it’s very hard for them to get pregnant.

PCOD also causes hair growth on your face and body, you could get a bit bald. If you are with PCOD (Polycystic Ovarian Disease) you will get long term health problems like diabetes and heart disease.   

There are a lot of treatments available to fix the hormone imbalance and improve the symptoms. We have given all the information in this article, so check out the article.

What is the PCOD full form in medical?

The PCOD full form in medical is – Polycystic Ovarian Disease.

What is the PCOS full form in medical?

The PCOS full form in medical is – Polycystic Ovary Syndrome.

What is PCOD? (Polycystic Ovarian Disease)

PCOD (Polycystic Ovarian Disease) also known as a PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome). PCOD is strikes at the early age, and it very common problem that affecting 5% to 15% of women’s in the average age group of 11 to 47 years. A lot of young adults are suffering from this problem.

It is the problem of which women have a hormone imbalance. The hormone imbalance will create the problem in women’s ovaries, and it produces oestrogen and androgen.

Due to irregular menstrual periods, acne and Hirsutism, extra male hormones reduce the menstrual cycle, so women with PCOD will get a bit fewer periods than usual.

What Causes of PCOD or PCOS?

The exact causes of PCOD is still unknown, but the association of PCOD has given some causes on PCOD.

  • Higher level of Inflammation – having the overweight will contribute to increased inflammation. Women with PCOD will increase the level of inflammation in their body.
  • Excess Insulin – most of the women with PCOD have insulin resistance, women’s cells would not use insulin properly. Excess insulin targets the ovaries to produce a higher number of male hormones.
  • GeneticsPCOD seems to run in families, the chances of having the PCOS to other women in the family like irregular periods and diabetes.
  • Production of male hormones in high quantity
  • Pollution and unhealthy lifestyle

What are the Common Symptoms of PCOD or PCOS?

Some women’s start looking at the symptoms during their first menstrual period, others would discover they have PCOD or PCOS when they start gaining a lot of weight or they would get trouble in pregnant. 

Check out the common symptoms of PCOD

  • Irregular periods – some women with PCOD have fewer than nine periods a year, occurring like every 2 to 4 months and some women have no periods.
  • Heavy bleeding – some women get periods but they can be heavier than normal periods.
  • Weight gain and getting trouble losing weight – a lot of women with PCOD or PCOS are overweight and they are getting trouble in losing weight.
  • Hair growth on face or body – most of the women with PCOD are getting hairs on their face, body, back, belly and chest, it’s called Hirsutism.
  • Acne – Women with PCOD get the acne on their face, chest and upper side of back.
  • Thinning hair– getting male – pattern baldness, and losing hairs on the scalp.
  • Darkening of the skin – particularly on the neck, and under the breasts.
  • Infertility – a lot of women with PCOD get trouble in getting pregnant.

Treatment of PCOD or PCOS

The medical treatment for PCOD or PCOS focuses on individual concerns like, infertility, acne, hair loss, hirsutism and obesity. This disease PCOD or PCOS controlled by modifying the lifestyle and the best way to control PCOD is managing the weight.

  • High fiber and high protein intake are recommended for women who are suffering from PCOD or PCOS.
  • Have treatment available to balance the hormones and excess insulin to manage the menstrual cycles.
  • Treatments are available for skin, hair growth, hirsutism and pigmentation.
  • There are a lot of treatments available to get rid of unwanted hair on your face and body and it will stop growing hairs. The most popular treatment is laser hair removal.
  • Birth control pills help to make the menstrual cycle more regular.
  • Surgery is the treatment that improves fertility if others don’t work.
  • Losing weight can be difficult, but if you start losing weight it will help with diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. Even losing 5 % of your body will result in the imbalance of hormones and with infertility.

What is the PCOD Diet?

The first treatment for PCOD will start with weight loss, diet and regular exercise.

It’s very difficult to lose weight for those women who are suffering from PCOD, and losing 5% to 10% of your body weight; it would help to regulate the menstrual cycle and will improve the symptoms of PCOD or PCOS.

  • They should follow a strict diet; this should be in high in protein, fibre and low in carbohydrate. This diet is very effective for weight loss and lowering the insulin level.
  • A low – GI (low Glycemic index) diet, it includes foods like fruits, vegetables and whole grains that will help you to regulate the menstrual cycle and for weight loss.
  • Eat antioxidants – heavy foods, fruits like, strawberries and blueberries, vegetables like spinach and kale, whole greens like, whole oats, brown rice and whole wheat, unsaturated fats like, nuts, nut butters and avocado.
  • Eat food with organic whole soy like miso, edamame and tempeh.
  • Eat foods with a dash diet like poultry and fish, legumes, nuts and seeds.

PCOS treatment will start lifestyle changes with a good diet and exercise, if you have a good diet for weight loss and you’re doing exercise regularly; it will diffidently help you to regulate the menstrual cycle and help to improve the symptoms of PCOD or PCOS.  

How Can Get Pregnant with PCOD or PCOS?

70 $ to 80 % of women with PCOD have fertility problems, PCOS affects the normal menstrual cycle and it makes it harder to get pregnant.

Getting pregnant is not an issue if you have PCOD under control, poor control on PCOD it’s very difficult to get pregnant.

Women’s with PCOD can get pregnant using fertility treatments and also below options to help your chances of getting pregnant.

Losing weight – if you are overweight or obesity, you should lose weight; it’s difficult to lose weight but impossible. Losing weight through eating healthy foods and regular physical activities can help to regular menstrual cycle and improve your fertility.

Medicine– doctors will prescribe the medicine to help you to improve your fertility.

Surgery– surgery is also an option to improve your fertility and help to get pregnant if other options do not work.

PCOD or PCOS Complications

Uncontrolled PCOD Increase the risk of endometrial cancer, numerous problems and increased risk for early age onset of types 2 diabetes.

  • PCOD will increase the risk of breast cancer
  • Infertility
  • Obesity related conditions like heart problems, diabetes and high blood pressure.


If you see any symptoms of PCOD (Polycystic Ovarian Disease), you would miss the period, you would have been trying to get pregnant fast for 12 months not been successful, in this situation immediately concern the doctors.  

The first thing that doctors recommended to PCOD (Polycystic Ovarian Disease) with women is that changes of lifestyle, try to adapt to a healthy lifestyle. If it won’t work then they will recommend medicines like, Birth control pill and metformin; both can help you to get a normal menstrual cycle.

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