How Long Do Eyelash Extensions Last – Tips for Last Longer

There are many people wondering about how long do eyelash extensions last once you have applied them. So, here we mention everything about how to keep your eyelash extensions longer and how long you can expect your eyelash extensions to last.   

if you’re not tried eyelash extensions yet, then ask someone who has tried eyelash extensions already because it will improve your appearance and look more glamorous. So, you can include it in your beauty routine.

If you’re looking for long, full, and dark lashes every single day then you should definitely go with eyelash extensions, and also, it’s important to understand how long do eyelash extensions last once you apply them. So read the article till the end.

What Exactly are Eyelash Extensions?

Eyelash extensions are semi-permanent, faux mink fibers that are applied to each strand of your natural lashes to give you fuller, and longer lashes. It will improve your overall appearance by lifting and opening the eye, says the founder of Envious Lashes, Clementina Richardson.  

The eyelash extensions are carefully applied because it is very near to your eyes. The semi-permanent glue that will not damage your natural lashes and will not irritate.

Eyelash extensions, where the individual lashes are applied to your skin and lash extensions are attached to the lash itself. Then the results are longer and fuller lashes.  

How Long Do Eyelash Extensions Last?

If you’re wondering how long do eyelash extensions last, the short answer is it depends on you, how you maintain them and how you take care of them.

It will take time to apply – anywhere between one to two hours.  Mostly eyelash extensions last anywhere from 3 to 6 weeks. The eyelash extensions look full and fluffy during this time. After 3 to 6 weeks your lashes stop looking so great, then you will need to visit the salon again for a touch-up. Remember that touch-ups are a bit cheaper than the original set of eyelashes.

Eyelash extensions last for few weeks is totally depends on few things including:

  • How your taking care of your lash extensions
  • What kind of lash glue is used?
  • Type of lash extensions you got
  • How fast your natural lashes grow

Touch-up your eyelash extensions is the best way to extend the life of your lashes. You will need a touch-up about 3 to 6 weeks after having your eyelash extensions applied.

How to Keep Eyelash Extensions Longer

If you’re looking for eyelash extensions a bit longer, definitely you need to take proper care of your lash extension, then they can last longer. So, here are some tips for keeping your eyelash extensions longer.

  • Wash your lash extensions using a good lash cleanser on a daily basis, that will help keep them free from dirt and oil. So, keep your lashes clean and they will last longer.
  • Brush your lashes with a mascara wand on a daily basis, if you’re using a clean mascara wand that will help keep your lashes full and fluffy.
  • Don’t sleep face down: you can wear an eye mask that will protect your lashes.
  • Try to stay away from heat: close to heat can cause synthetic lashes
  • Try to reduce heavy eye make-up: try to keep your eyes make-up light and fresh

If you want extensions to last longer then take good care of your lash extensions and take proper maintenance steps, so your lashes look full and fluffy and longer last.

Are Eyelash Extensions Worth it?

Eyelash extensions are a bit expensive: the expense depends on where you live, they will cost around $100 to $450 for a first-time application and for touch-ups will cost you around from $70 to $150. It’s also depending on how many lashes you need and how long you wait while appointments.

Eyelash extensions will give you natural volume and look full and fluffy. If you apply make-up daily then this can save your time.

How to Take off Eyelash Extensions at Home

How to take off Eyelash Extensions at home

If you’re planning to remove your lash extensions before they fall out naturally, it’s best to use your technique with the help of eyelash extensions remover like Ardell LashFree Remover.

It will help to dissolve the glue so that you can remove each individual lash extension easily. Remember, don’t try with your nails it will hurt you more.

QNA On Eyelash Extensions

  • Do Eyelash Extensions Ruin Your Natural Lashes?

    The short answer is NO, this is the biggest myth in the beauty community. If you applied correctly and with a proper method, they are safe and do not ruin the health of your natural lashes.

    Make sure that you’re not rubbing your eyelash extension because it will damage your natural lashes.

  • Can You Shower with Eyelash Extensions?

    Try to avoid water within the first 48 hours once you apply.  Because water will react with the eyelash extensions glue and cause the lash to break. After 48 hours you’re safe to take shower.  

  • Can You Put Mascara on Eyelash Extensions?

    When you apply an eyelash extension then oil-free mascara and makeup is safe to use on lash extensions. Because the oil mascara dissolves the glue and eyelash extension can fall out.  


If you take proper care of your eyelash extensions and take proper maintenance steps, you can keep your lash looking full and fluffy and longer lost.

Hopefully you like this article, if you have any questions and any suggestions kindly put them in the comment box below.  

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